Humanity is in a rapidly advancing timeline of moving from separation/victim consciousness to unity or creator consciousness. Many of us have realized we are the creators of our experience and that each decision informs our day to day living. We are discovering our true nature and progressing through the journey from service to self, to service to others and then a unified expression where experientially we know that we are local agents of a unified consciousness.
Self awareness and transcendence inform each other as we align the ego with greater degrees of inclusion, perspective-taking, caring, and compassion. Creative change can be discovered by going within ourselves to know the path to our purpose and truth and be the change we want to see on our world.
Current philosophical discussions and therapeutic modalities focus on linear, isolated approaches to optimize the human system. Many strategies place emphasis on one part of the system, addressing only the mental, cognitive, emotional or physiological expression yet they do not take into account the entire system. This reductionistic approach predominantly fails because the human system is a complex adaptive system which requires a complex systems approach.
We believe that each of us holds within us the opportunity to experience a life of excellence, driven by purpose and precision.
Join us as we explore Hope, Love and Human Performance in the ZOH Arête Collective where we co-create our life expression on purpose, for purpose and with purpose.